Just a reminder about a few things:
1. ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL # 7 is out tomorrow! I think you'll all dig it, it's what the experts call "really awesome".
2. Comics on Comics tapes tomorrow night at Meltdown at 8 PM. Get thee to Sunset Blvd. and sit in the audience. Watch me try and keep up with actual stand-up comics as we discuss geek-related topics. I saw the list of topics, BUFFY and ANGEL are on'em, so get there, get a seat, and enjoy!
3. SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL # 1 is available in the new Previews. Not sure if stores know about it, so you gotta say "hey, ANGEL:ATF sold so well, SPIKE:ATF will sell as well, you should order a billion copies". All we need is ONE store to order a billion copies and we're good. Seriously, though, you need to tell'em about it if you want to make sure they'll carry it.
UPDATE: I just saw the colored art for issue 1. This is the best comic ever. I am amazed at how beautiful this book is.
4. The newest ANGEL and EVERYBODY'S DEAD are also available for pre-order so for Gosh sakes, remind your retailer to pick them up too.
Back to work for me! Thanks everybody!
Thanks for the heads up about Spike: ATF 1 and the newest Angel. I always have to pre-order anyway, and it's hard to find out what is available and when.
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