I'm excited, not only do we get the Wesley FIRST NIGHT story (drawn by Mr. Nick Runge, who is currently drawing ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL #11...the Wesley story got him the gig, I think you'll see why.
It also contains what I think is my best Whedonverse writing until SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL. This story is a continuation a Connor's FIRST NIGHT story, only this chapter is starring...
...oh it's a doozy. I love how it came out. My favorite thus far, hope you guys dig it.
Plus more from Betta George, with some revelations that will make you go "huuuuh?" and "woooow" and a little bit of "more now please".
the pencils look great - can't wait to see more!
ps. blogger + rss = sweet!
hmmm i'm predicting Grossalugg is gonna feature in FN.
So this is the issue with Betta George's revelations. I've gathered that you're a Spike fan like myself, so if this issue is one of your favorites, it'll probably be one of mine. I figured that this issue had Spike in it because I saw some cover art that included Spike. It should be interesting to see how Wesley ended up the way he is. Another thing that has a question mark above my head is whatever happened to Harmony.
I've been saying "It's Cordy" since ever, so I'm going to stick with that. Can't believe we'll find out so soon.
And Wes... Big Wes fan, and as I said when we first daw Runge's take on Wes.... gotta love it.
Hope its not Cordelia, love Cordelia but her character was resolved. Bringing her back would be like picking wounds. We know its not Nina or Kate, could be anyone from Drusilla to Groosalugg.
Does anyone know if the Betta George scenes take place on that First Night OR after ATF #2 when hes captured?
And who is that vampire? Gunn's doppelganger?
Got accidentally spoilered, dammit, by someone with a subscription, but I'm saying nothing. Can't wait to read this, though we don't get it till Friday.
The art by Nick Runge is spectacular. Can't wait to see what he does with the main book in June.
I finally got this issue in the mail, and I guess here's as good a place as any to post a comment about it.
I really liked Betta George's story, but I'm a little confused about the picturing of Spike at some kind of carnival. It seemed kind of vague to me.
I would also like to know some more about what mock Fred said about Wesley being the key to W&H "winning." I thought they already won, having Angel and co. in hell and all. I can't imagine them relying on Wesley to be some minion-like champion for a future apocalypse.
I read a short synopsis about issue 9, and I'm looking forward to seeing if it's Fred or Illyria who Angel never thought he'd see again and is supposed to help. I didn't know he could help Fred anymore, but then again, when Spike hugged Fred in the beginning, he had to have sensed it if she really wasn't Fred because she wouldn't have felt human to him. Maybe he felt she needed to be protected because she seemed to be Fred with some Illyria stuff left in her. I've had trouble understanding why he would want to protect just Illyria and have a relationship with her after what happened to Fred.
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