It was Angel.
Allycat said...
It was announced that you're going to write an on-going Spike-series which will run along close to the Angel-series. You also said you were too busy to write the Angel-series yourself as well. Will you be taking an executive producer role over the Angel-series, given the fact that you have a larger overall view of the Angel-part of the Buffyverse?
Will the on-going Spike series have a subtitle and if so, what will it be?
- I kinda wanted to call it THE ADVENTURES OF SPIKE, just to make it sound different from books that came before it. Also toyed with SPIKE UNLIMITED. But it'll probably just be "SPIKE". The different arcs will have subtitles, though.
Beck and Tok are rumoured to show up in the new series. So, will readers need to be familiar with Asylum and Shadow Puppets to understand the new series?
- Nope. We'll take time in the SPIKE series to explain who everyone is. BUT if people have read ASYLUM or SHADOW PUPPETS, it'll make the experience all the more fun.
...that's it for now, more later!
I'm daring to dream here, but on a scale of one to ten, what is the probability of there ever being a Spike/Angel (concrete and not just a hint at) pairing? And how do you feel about the two of them?
Not a question here, but I just wanted to say thank you for the interview you did with Buffyfest at NYCC (I'm midway through the second part right now). I really appreciate all the time give you give to interacting with the fans and it was great to actually see you talking about the characters. Your enthusiasm and love for them and their story shone through.
Hi. Im new here-

Just wanted to know something...
who was that "electric man" (or demon) that Spike saw in "Spike: ATF"?
(You know, the man who was on fire on that house that the Dragon told Spike to go)