Monday, March 2, 2009

ANGEL:ATF wedding variant aaaalmost sold

It's not going for a ton of dough, which isn't the best news for my wallet but IS great news if you really want one. Go HERE and bid. It's fun and easy!

And I promise, I will use the money for creative endeavors. Not porn. Because I don't even read porn, and porn is free on the internet anyway.


SaveALemming said...

Sigh. If only I didn't have a new engine draining my wallet for the next... year and a half. I'd almost be willing to trade a genu-ine handmade Betta George puppet, but a) I know you're trying to raise money for future projects and b) I don't know if I could part with my George puppet, even if it was going to his original creator. Hope the auction goes well though!

viagra online said...

ooooh that was so quick, I was thinking about buying one of those wedding variant, but I decided that I better save my money for a better offer