I am thrilled with this issue! It's all come down to THIS, big climax/resolution/world-changing issue, and man, did it come out great. It features my favorite scene in the entire series (I'll tell you after you read it). Franco did some brilliant, brilliant work. Can't say enough how excited I am for you guys to read it.
One more to go after this!
Can't wait to pick this up tomorrow!
I am both excited and worried. Can't wait to see how this ends, but I fear for my heart!
Kudos once again to your fantastic work Brian! One question though: in Joss' opinion, will Angel: Aftermath be canon or not? I know some fans consider anything not written by Joss Whedon to not be canon, but will Aftermath be the official continuation?
Yes, it is canon. Joss worked out the arc with Lynch, though Lynch is the actual writer. So, yeah, it's canon.
PS. Forgot to add: I adore this series, Brian! I went out and bought issues 9-15 this weekend and read them through! Can't wait to see how it ends. Still have to buy Spike: AtF.
I'm gonna need therapy after this series ends!!! It feels like an old friend is leaving. But like the good book says, "size doesn't matter, only what you do with it is" and although I originally felt cheated thinking 17 issues wouldn't be enough, but you've made a believer out of this fan because 17 may seem "small" but your "quality" of work is awesome and I have personally enjoyed the ride, including enjoying your blog (thanks for that btw) and want to thank you for 17 quality months of good reading. You've proven that a limited series can truly feel BIG.
Hey Mr. Lynch, long time reader but first time poster. I just wanted to pop in and say fantastic issue! Its easily my favorite moment in After the Fall and quite possibly by favorite Angel moment.
The only thing I hated about the issue was that it reminded me of how much I'm going to miss your writing talents when After the Fall ends and Aftermath begins. Regardless, thank you for an amazing series and I can't wait to read the final issue!
Great writing as usual. The story had a purpose and everyone is better off for it.
I am forever in your debt for this.
Outta the Ballpark once again.
I loved this issue! It explains a lot about the future in Buffyverse - such as the popularity of vamps and larks in Buffy season 8 and Fray. I'm sure that's totally not the message Angel wanted to put out there! I can't wait 'till the next issue!
After 15 issues, you went with a reset to make everything better? What was the point in bothering with doing the comics at all if that was the plan all along?
And what do you have against poor Wesley anyway?
The Anonymous Poster wrote: After 15 issues, you went with a reset to make everything better? What was the point in bothering with doing the comics at all if that was the plan all along?
I think you've somehow managed to miss sixteen issues worth of character development and an emotional brevity which I have yet to see in another comic. That, my friend, was the point.
Am I the only one who feels a little "blast from the past"?
I don´t really see the reason why the actual events had to be "undone". I know, they have an effect on the characters, but they aren´t the actual reality.
What was the dramatic purpose of that?
Spoilers Ahoy. Copied from the AngryNakedPat.com board-
This is gonna sound wrong at first but let me explain... The only reason I really want to read the last issue now is to see how things go between Angel and Gunn.
Yeh, I'm sure that comes off as a little mean, saying that's the only reason I want to read it.
But the reason is because Issue 16 was for all intentions, perfect. If that comic was the last anything ever published about Angel and his crew, I'd be fine with that. The pacing, the characters, the dialogue, the emotion, everything in this issue was amazing. I'm sure some folk will be annoyed by the resetting everyone back to the alley. But I love the idea that they all remember their months in hell. Now we can have Conner, Illyria, Gunn, and the nameless-again Dragon alive and well but with the experiences and emotion left over. I'm sure any future Angel writers (Good Luck, Kelley Armstrong, you have some huge shoes to fill) appreciate this too.
Great work, Brian. After the Fall has proven to be your best work.... And coming from me, that's really saying something.
I didn't get my copy yet... I live far away from USA and the shipments aren't fast at all ;), but I've read some comments and spoilers and I'm so exited about the storyline! It sounds really awesome! I love these ATF comics, especially Spike ATF – it is my favorite, because Spike is my most favorite character in Buffy/Angel verse. Thank you for these great stories! They are much better than Buffy season 8. I can't wait to read my copy! And I can't wait for issue 17 – how the story ends and especially the conversation between Spike and Angel!
And I have questions – Will Spike takes a part on Angel: Aftermath? Or he will take an own comic series again? I'd love to see more Spike's adventures with Illyria, Beck and Tok.
I just read my copy, and I have to say, you ousted my favorite Buffyverse character (spoiler): Wesley! I wonder if this character will be in Aftermath?!
I'm really digging the series, as I said earlier, and I wanted to ask about what Jane said in one of the comments:
"It explains a lot about the future in Buffyverse - such as the popularity of vamps and larks in Buffy season 8 and Fray. I'm sure that's totally not the message Angel wanted to put out there!"
Does anyone know what she's referencing here? I don't understand. Did Angel's actions in AtF affect vamps in Season 8 and Fray?
If W & H was stupid enough to let Wesley know their plan (about Angel's time line) then they should also know Wesley would tell Angel which leads Angel to no other course of action but the one he took.
Makes sense. Damn hindsight is always 100%.
Great writing Brian, great, great, great!! Amazing, just amazing writing, thank you, thank you, thank you. Great job!!!
Last post I was asking you, Why killing Connor ?
Now, I just have a smile in my face, completely satisfied, few minutes after crying ( again ! ) with the Angel-Connor reunion....
Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Artemis, in the Buffy comic , Harmony gets her own Hills-esque "reality" show and slayers are seen as the villains. My interpretation was that it was the trip to Hell-A and Angel being seen a hero that has brought on this new of vampire worship.
Or maybe everyone just really like the Twilight movie:)
Just finished reading it. Fantastic issue. Thank you for bringing Connor back. I almost cried with Angel!
So they landed back in the alley. It always begins and ends in an alley eh!
I know that a lot of fans love the idea of Buffy and Angel but I realllllly think if there is a happy ending in store for Angel Cordelia should be in it. She has been there for him through everything and they both love each other. To me that is what is fitting. Compare three years with Buffy to 6 years of Cordelia. Buffy isn't even in the picture anymore. Buffy was the first love. Cordelia is his lasting love.
OK, I will not watch the whole series just to see how it ends, so, why don't you tell me what's the end about? I used to watch it when I was a teenager but then responsibilities didn't allow me to continue it.
My all queries regarding this subject have satisfied by reading your blog and I was looking such intellectual information for long time.
PS. Forgot to add: I adore this series, Brian! I went out and bought issues 9-15 this weekend and read them through!
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Please bring Cordelia back.The series has to end with the perfect couple Angel and Cordelia. In everything Angel only Cordelia stood by him from day one and she loved the soul and the demon never Buffy.
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