Hope you guys enjoy! I just proofed another issue (last glance for changes to dialog, etc) while writing yet ANOTHER, and I couldn't be happier with how the series is going. I think you guys are all in for a treat. A big, messy, violent, heartbreaking, funny, emotional treat.
And I implore you, to insure you enjoy issue 12, refrain from reading any threads or posts about it until after you have it in your hands. Trust me.
I just read 12 and totally loved it! Wow! I can't wait 'till 13.
well if you really wanted people to be surprise maybe don't have CORDELIA's face on the inside cover hahaaha...but granted I still didn't know who it was but now that I look it's very easy to tell.
And I'm so glad Cordy was back in some way. It was a cool issue
I loved the little 'Doyle' street sign easter egg dealie.
But I pretty much loved everything else about the issue as well.
Oh. My. Gosh. That issue was nuts. And awesome. And I am SO confused.
Oh GOD OH GOD!!!! I just read it. I was really not expecting that!! ARGGGGGGGGGGG I HATE U BRIAN................................. (but in a good way ^^)
Great issue, Brian!
It definitely beats this week's Buffy. I love how the mysteries are being solved and slowly but surely, we're moving toward the finale. I'm sure it's going to be awesome!
I just finally got my copy in the mail, it took forever.
That is a lot of information to absorb in a matter of minutes. I had to keep going back to make sure I was understanding right. I guess it explains why the Shanshu prophecy was found in Wolfram & Hart's possession. I've noticed that in the Jossverse prophecies are misinterpreted on occasion, so I'm not sure whether or not to believe that Angel's key role in the apocalypse was always supposed to be bad, and his "troubles" were supposed to be rewarded by W&H and not the PTB. W&H has been around since long before Liam was born, so what Wesley said could make sense whether or not it's true. Whether the PTB visions were originally from the PTB or they were always from the Senior Partners posing as higher powers, I'm definitely looking forward to finding out. I just hope it doesn't end in the tragedy of everyone dying or being stuck in hell forever.
If he's rewarded with humanity, what does that "really" mean? I think it means he becomes a messianic figure. In other words, he becomes a Caretaker, or a Watcher, thus he's rewarded with having to continue taking care and saving humans. "He's rewarded with Humanity". The Shanshu doesn't say "he becomes human", it says "he's rewarded with humanity", there is a difference. It means he goes back to square one, like in season 1. He's like Superman only doesn't fly. But he can climb walls.
I loved the little 'Doyle' street sign easter egg dealie.
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