And Wizard likes! READ HERE. Second comic they reviewed, that's pretty awesome.
Also, I read the lettered ANGEL:ATF # 11. I think it's my new favorite issue. Really happy with how it came out.
Also saw Alex Garner's cover for issue 12. Wow. Oh wow.
Good day today.
12 years ago
Happy Bday B!
Really liked #9!
Although I hate you for teasing us with a Cordelia reference. (If that's what it was.) It makes me want to ask if Angel and the crew will ever make it out of Hell and back to the normal world (where a Cordy appearance would be possible). You know, like is "Season 6" just "The Hell Season" or is this a more long-term state of affairs?
But part of me doesn't actually want to know, so I'm not asking. And I'm sure you wouldn't tell us even if I did. But it's interesting that this is the first issue that finally raised the question in my head.
Angel should conquer a hell dimension. :D Nah, just an opinion. Angel stories would have a whole world to expand on and realize without having to be affected by how the earth works or changes brought on by the Buffy stories.
Just a wish, but not really expecting anything. Hopefully it will be a fascinating comic all the way.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here's a birthday card from me and our favourite bleach-blonde vampire: Let's all sing the birthday song!
I love-love-loved the reference to the first X-Men movie in this issue. Great stuff!
Happy Birthday, Brian!
Happy Birthday, Brian
I liked #9, wasn't the greatest yet, but that's only because there's so much story to tell and so little pages to tell it in. You really ought to go weekly in order to do your epic story true justice ;)
Warming up to Runge, but still missing Franco; can't wait for Spike: After the Fall.
Hey brian I have to say this was a great issue. and i have loved the Series so far.
I do have one problem. Conner having his memories back seems to be played up as a big reveal in first night and this issue but the last episode of Angel, Conner revealed to Angel that he had his memories back. Not trying to bring you down or anything. Just wondering what your thoughts are on that.
Love the series and I can't wait to find out what Gunn is up to.
Good review. I agree with everything they said 100%.
In response to knightmare187 who wrote:
"I do have one problem. Conner having his memories back seems to be played up as a big reveal in first night and this issue but the last episode of Angel, Conner revealed to Angel that he had his memories back. Not trying to bring you down or anything. Just wondering what your thoughts are on that."
In this issue, Connor is talking about getting every single memory of his entire existence back. In S5, he was only talking about his cognizant memories, the ones he should have had. Now that he's in hell, he remembers being born, but also remembers the things that went on around him as a baby- all those missions, seeing Angel as a hero without Holtz's spin on things. He finally has the ability to make up his own mind about his father without anyone else's influence. That's how I interpreted it anyway.
Oh man, Issue 9. What to say, it's gorgeous! I love it.
Also issue 12's cover is so awesome! I saw it on Garner's myspace page. I love it!
where was Nina? she got lost in the background!
also a lord was missing, the one who looks like hes wrapped in white tape
Just got my copy. It was a bit dis-jointed, but then again I should re-read it a few more times. I miss Franco now. I am glad the story is back on track!
oh, and the Cordi tease got my heart pounding for a sec.
Congrats on the love from Wizard. Much deserved! Here's to many more positive reviews, Josh
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