I don't understand it. We started this book a year ago next week, and we're already 14 in? Shouldn't number 12 be coming out next week? What happened? AND 4 issues of SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL? We are TOO good is the problem. Or something.
Anyway, Ifanboy wrote a wonderful review of the first ANGEL:ATF hardcover. Check it out HERE!
Been a busy couple of weeks, but I think I have great, big news coming soon. Not comic related, something else allll together.
Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, truth is, I couldn't remember my password. It was a whole thing. But I missed you. Oh the lonely nights.
If you get a chance, do check out PARTY TRUCK USA. We're up to the fourth episode of the second season, and it's funny stuff. Go to itunes and find us under podcasts.
And hey, if you have xbox360, friend "Betta George" on account of that's me. We can play MORTAL KOMBAT VS DC UNIVERSE or SCENE IT or, my favorite, Uno.
I really hope you enjoy ANGEL:ATF # 14. Homestretch now! There's a scene involving Wesley that I really love. I think you'll know the one I'm talking about.
Take care all!
Thanks brian, keep up the great stuff. I'll see you on live. Guitarguy779
I haven't had the chance to pick it up yet. Hopefully it doesn't snow in and I can get it this weekend.
This was a very interesting issue. I was just wondering there was a scene where Angel had just pulled the peice of wood Gunn stabbed him with and was walking behind Gunn with it. Then there was a time slip and we see his supposed future self having destroyed humanity. And then Angel suddenly stops. And he says something about killing Gunn, Illyria and the big fish being a plan. What does that mean. Does that mean that killing Gunn, Illyria and Betta George would lead him to the path of destroying all that is good?
What in going on?
Correction: What is going on?
That was another great issue. I wonder if Illyria has been switching from Fred to Illyria/Fred to Illyria/Calamari the whole time. From Spike's reaction, I'd say yes. Also noticed that future Angel and spike have some pretty cool looking weapons (Angel has the saw-knife-blade thingy and Spike has something that kind of looks like Buffy's scythe). I wonder where they get them...
oh man, i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who plays uno on their 360. my husband gives me hell for it on a regular basis. i'll be sure to add betta george and be on the lookout for you, brian!
oh man, i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who plays uno on their 360.
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