First of all, go buy SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL # 2. I love it, writing is good (I hope) and Franco's art is insane. It's fun, dark, full of action, what more could you ask for in a comic book?
And don't say Xander. Because he's not in it.
To all those reading this blog that don't know BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, Xander is a friend of Buffy's so that joke I made was not only hilarious but VERY timely.
Just moved from our apartment to a full-on house. It's our first full-on house, we love it, we love the neighborhood, and I have a pool for the first time ever, which of course means the neighbors want to know who the dude swimming naked is. Answer: it's me, your new neighbor! Don't worry, new neighbors, I put on lotion everywhere.
To all those reading this blog that don't know "full-on house", a "full-on house" is a house with bedrooms and a kitchen AND a pool. It's technical.
SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL is completely written. That means I only have one comic book to write, ANGEL:ATF. That is a relief. I need a break. One comic a month sounds nice. I am going to try writing this one in my pool.