You asked for more details, I'll give you more details. I aim to please.
Here are some facts, mixed with some opinions, with a dash of hype and a sprinkling of fanboy excitement.
1. Even though this is my and Franco's third SPIKE series, there are no appearances from Beck or Betta George or Tok or even Trots the Evil Horse Puppet. George premiered in SPIKE:ASYLUM # 2 and then came back to life in SPIKE:SHADOW PUPPETS #2, so it would have been nice to have him appear, however briefly, in SPIKE:ATF # 2, but the story is king and the fish had no place.
I miss Beck and Tok and Mosaic. I think I'll visit them again, AATF.
2. Illyria is a full-on supporting character in this, and we deal with her current situation. However, if you don't SPIKE:ATF you'll still understand what's going on with her in ANGEL:ATF. And vice versa, actually.
3. Illyria isn't the only character from the ANGEL TV show that makes an appearance.
4. I've written two issues thus far (have an outline for the next two) and this ranks with one of the stories in the upcoming ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL # 7 as my favorite Whedonverse writing, hands down. I'm super proud of how it all plays out. I've also seen Franco's art for issue 1, and it is easily my favorite Franco art yet.
5. Gunn is not the villain in SPIKE:ATF. The villain in SPIKE:ATF would make Gunn wet his pants.
It's gonna be good, guys. I can't wait.
Tomorrow, ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL fun facts!