Buuuuut, to balance out that negativety, the lovely Fenderlove sent me a picture. A lady Fenderlove knows (heretofore known as "Friend of Fenderlove") got a Betta George tattoo on her calf! Here it is:
I couldn't be more happy. It means the character meant enough to someone that they wanted to have him permanently on their person. And THAT is awesome. Thank you, FOF!
Wow! That is a beautiful tattoo. I love how Urru draws George and the artist really captured that. Don't listen to the crazy Betta George hate: he's a great character and is awesome.
Can't imagine anyone hating George. He's a total sweetie.
Maybe this person suffers from fish fear?
Aww, thanks for posting it up, Brian. My friend (who is a bit embarrassed but totally thrilled to have her calf online for the world to see) and I both really love Betta George. He's a great character, and we're both glad that he's been made a part of the canon series. I'm definitely glad that Tattoo!George can brighten up your day. *hugs*
Could that be... Buffy-Boards? And they wonder why they're not as active as the other Buffy forums, with their user-repellent layout and now this...
Aww, Betta George ink. It's beautiful and well-rendered.
BG's my favourite of the original characters from Spike: Asylum and I was sure glad to see him in ATF. I can't believe anyone could put the hate on for him. He is a sweetie (plus, swirly fins=pretty)
I checked that board (won't visit it again), and I find it strange to be upset about the introduction of a new (to Angel anyway) character into the story. Plenty of new characters were introduced when Angel was on TV, why should the comic be any different? I believe we have yet to see what role George will play in the story, but it feels to me like it will be somewhat important.
I like Betta George! He is one of my favorites!
Betta George has a very significant part. It's about time Angel had a telepath on the show.
You wouldn't go back to a msgboard because of a criticism? That's... unfortunate for you.
I like George well enough, though you said the easiest character to write was Lorne. I think you mean Betta because he seems so natural it's lazy.
I was curious about this hate thread, so I googled 'Betta George' and the first link listed below the obvious wikipedia links was a fic link. It featured George and Spike. The author rated it PG-13 for mentions of sex with a fish. The internet is a scary scary place, man, but if you've made it into fic, you've truely made it.
I ADORE Betta George.
ADORE him.
I want a Betta George plushie now.
Oh... and that fanfic? It's mine.
More Betta George love here! I love his personality but even more, the way he looks. One of my favorite panels (forget where) is Spike walking with George, and his coat and George's tail swirl dynamically in parallel...
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