Tomorrow, EVERYBODY'S DEAD # 3 comes out. If you're reading it already, hopefully you don't need to be convinced. If you're still on the fence about reading it, here are some facts that may convince you.
1. Like ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL? It's written by the guy that co-plots and scripts that.
And as such, it's got some of the same stuff that makes ANGEL so wonderful. Romance, comedy, human interaction in the middle of some truly horrifying supernatural occurances. See why Rolling Stone called EVERYBODY'S DEAD "The Must Read Book of 2008".
2. Fan of Dave Crosland?
Sure, who isn't? The mad artistic genius behind SCARFACE:SCARRED FOR LIFE and PUFFED is penciling and inking EVERYBODY'S DEAD. Combine that with the coloring artistry of one Len O'Grady, and EVERYBODY'S DEAD is easily the prettiest, poppiest, happiest zombie comic book on the stands. See why National Geographic called EVERYBODY'S DEAD "Eye Candy for the soul."
3. You can relive your college experience/prepare for your college experience/see what college is like via this book.
It's a frighteningly realistic look at college, only it's cooler because there are also cannibal zombies at every turn. See why Maxim Magazine called EVERYBODY'S DEAD "a better comic than the world deserves."
4. No skrulls. No counting down.
You're welcome. See why Game Informer Magazine called EVERYBODY'S DEAD "even better than any video game out there, but why are we covering comic books, we never do. Seriously, this is weird."
5. I wrote it specifically for you.
Yes, you. If you don't buy it, all this work is for naught. See why The Wall Street Journal called EVERYBODY'S DEAD "fucking kick ass seriously".
Check it out, you'll be glad you did.
Hi Bryan i've got a question since the issue#5 of Angel came up, who is the guy with the white shirt next to Gunn in the cover of yours? if you can answer me it will be awesome
It's Groosalug. Brian explained why he had short hair in his Myspace blog. There was a plot that Groo would cut his hair so he'd look like Angel, but it was cut. The cover was already done. But yeah, that's the Grooman.
Cool preview art (chainsaw... nice) and I really like the cover for #3. 1 & 2 were great, looking forward to 3. Also, I hope lots of people get this as a preview for what college is like. Really, it's pretty close.
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