What's good for the blond british goose is good for the brunette brooding goose. I now present to you, some hints about the future of ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL!
1. Betta George makes a fairly Earth-Shattering discovery in issue 10.
2. Angel gets a new yet oddly familiar nickname in issue 9.
3. Connor reveals a whole hell of a lot to Angel in issue 9.
4. We find out who turned Gunn in issue 8.
5. Nick Runge handles the art for issue 10, save for 2 pages, which have to do be done in a different style for story purposes.
6. Death is coming.
*shudders with fear and anticipation*
PS: Mostly anticipation
death? bring it!
Please don't let the death be Spike!
Well one of the bad guys is probably gonna die! Sounds like BG knows whats in the basement...and who knows maybe Angel gets new teeth.
Who's Betta George? I don't remember that name being mentioned before.
I figured that Gunn being turned was a punishment by Wolfram & Hart, and Wesley might have been behind it.
Thanks for the info, Brian.
That nickname isn't Peaches by any chance, is it?
Also, that cover is awesome. I love it more every time I see it. Can't wait to see Nick's work on the book.
Fantastic cover. Me want poster, k? Sorry, I was so stunned by the cover I forgot how to speak well English.
is Death coming to Angel, meaning he'll be a vampire again? But would that make him Angelus
Dead-boy??? *preens* Is Xander coming to down? Ok. I know. Pushing it.
sarahi, Betta George is the telepathic floating fish.
Since Betta George is a telepath, then she (or he, i'm a little fuzzy on that) would be able to tell that Angel is human by being able to read Angel's mind, unless the "vampire glamour" covers that too.
I don't care about Angel much! I want Spike to survive again and again! Spike is my most favorite character ever!;)
Betta George would have to get out of that ring to be able to read anyones mind.
Hey Brian, I created a blog account just so I could leave a comment here, aren't you proud?! (much more of an LJ girl really!)
Just wanted to say how much I've been loving After the Fall and dear god, could you tease us any more with all the hints?!
I'm especially loving all the Gwen Raiden- it's so awesome to see her back. Care to leave us any hints about what's coming up for her?!
Gwen should pull out an electric storm on all the lords and their champions.
I guess I have selected a mind blowing and interesting blog globalreviewsage
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