enisy said...
I think you'd told me to get back to this question after the series was over, so... In hindsight, is there anything you'd change about "Angel: After the Fall" and "Spike: After the Fall", if you had the chance to do them all over again? (Because the fans didn't quite "get" it, or because you think you could have done better, or or or...
- No regrets! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well, someone just asked who that glowing guy was in SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL, so maybe I would have made that more clear. I really wish FIRST NIGHT came out as one big book, so the main story didn't have to take such a long breather.
Angelman said...
HI Brian,
Are there definately plans for an ongoing Angel title after the Aftermath and Drusilla issues are done. After hearing all the news about the Spike series (and that Angel will be in it), and nothing more about the Angel....just wanna make sure:)
SaveALemming said...
I can't think of any questions related to Spike or Angel at the moment (and I've gushed aplenty about them at the AngryNakedPat Board) so I'm gonna ask something esle that's been bugging me a bit:
What happened to The Sims movie? Your bloggy thingy used to make reference to writing a movie based on a popular video game and that's gone, the IMDb page is gone.... Is the movie gone? No big loss, if it is I suppose, and definitely not if it had another writer; I just thought it could be a fun concept with you at the writery helm.
As always keep up the good work!- I will try, thanks! After coming up with the story and pitching the story and then writing the outline and first draft, I think Fox has it out to different writers. I guess the plan is to rewrite me, or start from scratch, but I honestly have no idea. I just hope if my name's on it, it doesn't stink. That's all I hope. Oh, and I'd like a DeLoreon. And a talking fish.
Anonymous said...
After hearing that you are working with JL, are you having a fan reaction similar to, WOW!
- Yes, I'm excited...and more than a little impressed with her work ethic. She has eighty projects going on (including a play wherein she plays, I believe, 7 different characters) and she's still taking the time to work really hard on the story for these two issues. I feel terrible because my east coast/cold/flu sickness has set me back on writing as much as I'd like (hence the blogging) because Juliet is juggling a billion different projects AND still doing amazing work on this one. You guys are gonna be impressed, I think.
Bitsy said...
What are you reading right now that you think fans of Buffy and Angel would get into? Shill for IDW if the opportunity presents itself, sir.
- Off the top of my head: SCOTT PILGRIM (any volume), WORMWOOD:GENTLEMAN CORPSE (any story), anything Geoff Johns writes, LOCKE & KEY, THE WALKING DEAD, BOOSTER GOLD, Millar and McNiven's run on WOLVERINE and I just read a sneaky pete of the first issue of Ryall and Templesmith's GROOM LAKE and it is awesome: gory, scary, hilarious.
This is probably one whose answer is "I don't know" but:

Are the After the Fall and Season 8 time lines concurrent in any way (will we see a crossover, are the events of one affecting the other, are they going to share characters)?
It seems like AtF ended with a coinciding plot to Season 8, but it doesn't seem like they're going to meld, anyway.