Screw those guys, this is my new blog. I do hope you enjoy it. Bookmark it and check back all sorts of regular.
For those that stumbled onto me, my name is Brian Lynch. Hello! I am a writer. Not just blogs, either, seriously, check wikipedia if you don't believe me. I work on ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL, EVERYBODY'S DEAD, and a little something we like to call SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL. Basically, if I'm working on it and it's a comic book, there's a very good chance it will involve vampires and hell.
Speaking of SPIKE, IDW Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall was nice enough to (A) send me this cover this morning and (B) give me the okay to put it up here for you nice people. So here it is, one of the covers for SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL # 3.
This series is, hands down, my favorite SPIKE series to write. Yet. It's dark and epic and funny and Franco's art is perfect, his best work + my best work = you know, something halfway decent, I think.

Things do NOT look good for our friend, do they? Thoughts?
I fail to see the downside to the situation....maybe its just me
You should've come to LJ, honest, then we are a bit fanatic I guess! And you would probably get to know how kinky we are far more than you want!
Spike doesn't look worried. I think he is looking forward to a little action.
Awesome cover, man. I have theories about the shadow... (thinking it's a woman whose name rhymes with Glider) based on the convo she had with Spike in Issue #4 of Angel "After the Fall." Awesome, awesome, awesome. This is the same artist who did the Grindhouse cover for Spike:ATF#1, right? I like that it has the same sort of coloring. Same style, but I think this one is considerably better.
Great to see you here, Brian. You are missed at whedonesque.
love that you have a blog! If you ever want to set up a actual WordPress blog on your own website - let me know.
Great cover. I look forward to it.
Oh and we still want to interview you for Joss'd if you have time!
Shoot me an email:
Awesome! I will follow this blog as I have followed your MySpace blog and your work on the Angel and Spike comics. Welcome to Blogspot!
Yay! So glad you got over that myspace thing. Totally last year's pink.
Yay! I never have to go to myspace again.
I only joined for you.
Aw, someone help a poor vamp out and light his cig.
*pushes letters S and M out of her head* There's some busty 'lady' holding a whip, casting a pretty shadow. Is she a nice person? ;)
Brian, we miss you! Franco's amazing at capturing every emotion on Spike's face.
It looks great. Is it July yet?
At least he's got his clothes on. Bullwhip to bare skin would probably be an unfun... Well, for Spike, who knows! ^_~ Great cover. Really looking forward to this!
wait... you have a facebook page?
I love your new blog, it is very cool... and I'll be checking it out regularly!
Hi Brian! Missed you much! This cover is AWESOME! It's getting tougher to pick my "tops" anymore. Question though: Is it Spider? What is her backstory anyway? Will we get to find out?
Looking forward to Spike:ATF! If there's as much love in it as Angel:ATF, then it'll be a hit for sure!
Nice cover. Looks like Spike: AtF is going to be a heck of a ride.
Oh, and I like the new blog. Yay for not needing to join myspace to post.
Terrific cover! Looks like Spike's into some kinky pleasures! :)
Moscow Watcher
Hey great cover! I thought the shadow of a woman with a whip was a bloodstain at first, I guess that shows how blind I am. And only Spike would light one up in a guillotine.
Hey Brian! Are you going to Comic-Con this year? Need to know if I should buy tickets. Thanks!
I'm absolutely loving "After the Fall", only wish it was an ongoing...keep up the fantastic work!
Thank you for getting a blog, Brian. I refuse to join MySpace, even for you. ;)
I love the drawing style, and I like the concept okay, although squeezing all of Spike's trademarks into one cover (the leather duster and the lighter and a cigarette) is a bit overkill.
The woman should be Spider, or possibly one of the other women in Franco's Issue 2 cover. Whip's a nice touch, heh. (And Spike definitely wouldn't mind.
As always, very glad to hear you're so confident about Spike: After the Fall. Not many writers I would trust to do Spike justice, especially in the comic medium, but you haven't disappointed so far. :)
-- Enisy
Good to see you in the relatively sane (and infinitely more readable) world of Blogger! Sorry, but I wouldn't join MySpace even for you.
Spike has gotten himself into quite a situation there, and I'm sure we'll enjoy every second of it. Simply can not wait for SPIKE: ATF to come out! Looking forward to reading any teasers you can provide.
Seriously. LiveJournal. There are so many fans of you, Spike, Angel, movies and what not you'd be shocked! :-D
Also. That cover? That rocks my socks in so many ways!
I'm sorry we won't get to hear the podcast. No chance you might feel like doing it again? Some of those questions were great.
Mind you, some of them were insane.
That can't be the Lord of Burbank, she hasn't even got hair!
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That's a very nice work. I'd love to be able to draw like that and work for some animation company... but that's too much asking I guess. Still, I love your blog. Keep it up.
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