This guy shows up kinda drunk. At 3 PM. Also, I guess because he works in an artistic field, he's wearing a black turtleneck and either a black kango hat or beret. I can't be sure which, as he was so sweaty, in 90 degree heat, wearing a black turtleneck and black hat, drunk, that it was hard to look at him.
That said, I talked to him for a while. At one point, he said "well if I had known you looked like that I wouldn't have asked you out" which is weird because (a) now he's implying it's a date, and (b) if he's going to not work with people in the comic industry if they don't look like super models, the only person that's getting work is Franco Urru and (c) this guy looked like he was melting and, most of all (d) it was really, really rude but he was drunk and insecure, so okay.
A writer that had just started working for Melty's company walks up. Melty the arty drunk editor goes "THIS guy is the future of ___________ comics." As if to say "YOU are not." But that was apparent. New writer smiles and nods and gets away quickly.
At the end of the meeting, I say my good-byes and run, run away. Quickly.
I hope New York City Comic Con goes better...through an odd series of circumstances, I will be there. Definitely at the IDW panel next Friday, maybe more. AND I'm gonna meet Franco! Hooray!
Note: Some editors are not sweaty, insulting or drunkards. Chris Ryall is one. I have never been insulted by him, have never seen him sweat, and while I have seen him drink, I would not call him a drunkard. Not to his face anyway, he's a violent drunk.

Signed ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL wedding variant still available HERE.
See, now if you had also been drunk, that meeting would have totally turned out far better. You may have woken up next to him the next morning, but then, that's just another way to secure a career no?
I also found you quite mesmerizing when I first met you Brian, and I do indeed owe you several drinks. At NYC comic-con if I can perhaps get a tranq dart into you before you manage to run too far away. ;-)
Give Franco and Ben a bear hug for me.
So, Franco Urro looks like a supermodel? Maybe I should visit a con...
I'd squee if I got to meet Franco, but I'm a fangirl, and you are likely far more manly than I am. XD
okay, that's just funny.
You should think about becoming a writer or something...
I had plans to go to the NY IDW panel. Now that you're going, I'll probably pass. Haha no, I'm hoping to make it. It would be insane to meet you guys.
And yeah, crazy story. You're better off not working for melty editors anyway, so you definitely came out on top.
What a weird industry...
I probably would have just left the meeting.
I really wish I could go to NYCC this year. Maybe next year when I am (hopefully) employed, done with school, and have some money.
Some of us will take what dates we can get ...
Oh, and, er, got a snapshot of Franco Urru to share?
Moral of the story: aspiring writers, start including headshots with your proposals.
This is just to spare you guys some big disappointment....
Thank you Brian (and you all ) but it is better for you to know that I don't exactly look like a supermodel.
Does anybody really think that I'd be working with such schedules if I looked like one? :)
Wow, that is strange. How could Melty not go for the awesome Lynchesque hair? Clearly he has no taste.
So how did it go meeting Franco? Can't believe you two have never met before. Was there an epic slow motion run towards each other through the hordes of comic geeks that ended in a heartfelt embrace that lasted a few seconds too long and you had to awkwardly pat each other on the back and say in a deep voice, "Good, comic"?
I'd squee if I got to meet Franco, but I'm a fangirl, and you are likely far more manly than I am
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Hey, there's a great deal of helpful information above!
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